
Info (e.g. speaker bio)

Information, bio’s and photo’s of Lou Bichard

Preferred Name

Lou Bichard


Product Manager


Option A - short

Lou is a PM at Gitpod focused on secure development environments for 1.5M+ users and enterprise customers. Previously Principal Engineer of Developer Experience at DAZN, where he led their internal developer platform serving 13M global users.

Option A - long

Lou is a PM at Gitpod working on secure automated development environments for over 1.5 million users and with enterprise customers from some of the world's largest financial, insurance, and health care providers. Previously he was Principal Engineer of Developer Experience at DAZN for their internal developer platform (IDP) serving 13M users globally.

Option B - short

Lou is a Product Manager at Gitpod. Previously the Principal Engineer of Developer Experience for DAZN where he worked on internal developer platforms.

Option B - long

Lou is a Product Manager at Gitpod, a Cloud Development Environment (CDE). Previously the Principal Engineer of Developer Experience for DAZN where he worked on internal developer platforms, serving over 500 internal developers.




2408 x 2408: https://openupthecloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/lou.jpg

300 x 300: https://openupthecloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/lou-300x300.jpg

Social Links

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